rogue wrote: I was interested in the remark you
put on your website about Daito ryu, referring to it as “a reality based
system second to none”. Do you still feel the same about this art? If so,
could you offer some insights and explanations?
And do you think it can benefit from the Morris Method. If so, where and
how? And how does it relate/differ to traditional jujutsu systems we see
here on the british isles?
Steve wrote:
I was talking about Daito Ryu in its historical context;
I’m not familiar with its current exponents and practices or how they
compare to other ju jutsu systems.
What I meant by Daito Ryu being a reality based system second to none was
that the various Ryu that made up the complete fighting system of the
Minamoto and Aizu clans had been tested on the battlefield and in personal
combat for over a thousand years. And it was Takeda Sokaku, the bodyguard of
Saigo Tonomo (the grandmaster of Daito Ryu), who accepted the leadership of
Daito Ryu following the reluctance to do so of Saigo Shiro, Tonomo’s adopted
son. Although Saigo Shiro was a legendary figure within the martial arts and
had been groomed to be his father’s successor, Takeda Sokaku had no equal
during his lifetime, if accounts of his fighting ability are true. Takeda
had a reputation as a fighter; he wasn’t called the ‘Little Demon of Aizu’
for nothing. What better inspirational figure could you find to lead Daito
Ryu into the 20th century? (Not to mention promoting Japanese
nationalism—but that’s another story.)
However, whatever the claims made about the effectiveness of Daito Ryu or
any Ryu, those claims need to be validated at a personal level. This
validation cannot occur by referencing a ryu’s successful combative history
or the combative exploits of Takeda Sokaku, for example, but only through
testing in some form of dissimilar/aggressor training. In other words, by
taking on a training partner who isn’t out to support the effectiveness of
some combative bequeathment from the past, but rather who is out to attack
you with the intent to destroy you as an enemy might.
In training you can’t assume anything. You have to learn to anticipate
everything, and the only way you can do that is by continuously testing what
you know or think you know. And if you ain’t doing that, then your practices
ain’t worth shit even if your tradition is thousands of years old.
There are going to be those who will argue that the fighting skills that
they practice have not only been battle-tested in the past, but are too
dangerous to test in some form of dissimilar/aggressor training. Well, I
would argue if the armed forces, who use dissimilar/aggressor squadrons and
units to test their personnel under replicated battle conditions have found
relatively safe ways to do so, then the martial arts should seek to do the
same. Where there is a will, there is a way.
The trouble is, the majority of martial artists haven’t the character let
alone the will to challenge what they believe to be true. Most will continue
to believe that what they practice until it is picture-perfect, actually
works, when in truth ‘picture perfect’ is the last thing you need in a
As an additional point, I’ve always felt intuitively that Sokaku Takeda’s
effectiveness as a fighter had more to do with his aggressive, violent
personality type than his mastery of numerous weapons, skills and tactics,
etc. Sure, his technical and tactical familiarity with his razor-sharp bizen
sword undoubtedly would have influenced the outcome when he took on and
killed and injured a number of construction workers at the begining of the
20th century. However, I believe that similar personality types armed with
an effective weapon could have done the same without the set of skills that
Sokaku possessed. Take, for example, Corporal John Shaw of the Life Guards
who killed nine or ten of Napolean’s best in hand to hand at the Battle of
Waterloo. Shaw, like Sokaku, bravely fought on despite his wounds; but
unlike Sokaku, he died of them.
For me the practice of martial arts is more about the training of the man
than the acquisition of skills. A superior weapon and the skills to go with
it are worthless if the man hasn’t got the violent intent to decisively use
them, whilst a decisive man with such an violent intent could do the job
with a relatively inferior weapon and relatively inferior skills.
Therefore the primary purpose of training should be to build and test the
man in challenging and punishing workouts without killing him, so that
within a hostile environment and given very little information, he is able
to respond without anxiety or panic, whether planning ahead or acting
instantly and decisively—and violently if necessary.
However, what happens in the martial arts all too often is that the man is
trained to obssess over the details and meaning of some move, to the point
of becoming neurotic. I was talking to Rob Manning recently and he was
telling me how his law students are so overloaded with details that they are
unable to act decisively, because they can’t see the wood for the trees.
Those essential details of the dynamics, tactics etc. of fighting come out
of the doing and the subsequent analysis of the doing; but the analysis is
only worth anything if it’s going to be fed back into the training and
re-tested. The martial arts, all too often, are about pontificating on what
might work or what should work and why, rather than actually getting stuck
in and finding out.
For any tradition to survive as a living system, it has to undergo testing
in current conditions and against dissimilar types, and on an individual
level. Then it has to be modified and often extended in view of the results
of that process. That’s the principle of Shu Ha Ri in action, but the
interpretation of Shu Ha Ri which is usually seen is far too limited. It’s
safe, because it needs to preserve the tradition it came out of. And the
testing is usually inadequate.
From my research, Daito Ryu at the time of Takeda Sokaku was still in all
likelihood a viable way of training for personal combat. That was the
context of my comment. I don’t know how it’s evolved since then; all I can
tell you is what I believe needs to happen in order for any tradition to