Experimental Methods 2

£20.00 (digital) 1 hour 16 mins

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The response to Experimental Methods for Improving Performance has been extremely positive.  This second film builds on and complements the first.

In the first of this series I introduced the use of the eyes in training and also the use of volitional oscillatory movement as a method to develop power, raise rate coding and enhance your ability to work within a reduced interval of time such as is typical within a fight.  In this follow-up I discuss and demonstrate these topics in greater depth, in keeping with the training I have been doing with various individuals and groups in recent months.

Oscillatory movement training can be found embedded within Chinese systems, but few people understand what is actually going on with so-called ‘shaking/vibratory energy’.  I try to shed some light on this using my understanding of biomechanics and my experience of fighting.

I’ve also been teaching the startle reflex for years as an idea for how you might increase rate coding to produce a more sudden and explosive response.  However, in recent months I have begun to explore specific training methods that enable the student to directly experience and exploit the startle mechanism.  As the title states, these methods are experimental; however, the early results that I have seen in the gym are good.

Incorporated within the instruction of these new methods I also unpack and explain the biomechanics of striking in the fight context to highlight the different types of release and follow-through needed, and the tactical contexts that are appropriate for different kinds of shots.

I have written on my blog recently about the role of a trainer and how it is not to dictate to the trainee, but rather to create situations that call for a needed response.  In this DVD, I offer you material and methods that I have arrived at after a long process involving myself and many trainees over the years.  They are put on film for you to explore, and in general they rely on a subconscious learning process that does not require you to do anything other than try them out and see what they can do for you.

review of triplanar movement

reduced interval of time/rationale for oscillatory training

startle reflex with target acquisition ‘trick the system’

pad drill, touch-reaction method, zero to full power

incorporating startle reflex into tactical movement

use of withdrawal reflex coupled to startle

touch drills with eyes closed

drill variations for progressive training

zoom-in-zoom-out method

distraction/subliminal skills acquisition

multitasking & ‘going to Birmingham’

working backwards from effect (e.g. knockout)

analysis of tactical mechanics for striking

demonstration of tactical body mechanics

accelerated follow-through and penetration

recharge-ability of shots

triplanar movement in shaking

role of wrist in shaking training

movement on feet while shaking

oscillation applied in zoom principle

involvement of individual joint angular changes

movement variations for different shots

connection of oscillatory hands to feet

fighting multiples and hitting on the move

games for footwork and distance for multiples

developing movement patterns without ‘slo-mo’

tips on using stick for personal training

various other tips for common problems seen