We are very pleased to announce that the video for the Open Session from May 2019 is now available. This was a great training session and is loaded with ideas and the usual training magic that we can expect from Steve. Order it here.
Training 26 January
There will be a Sunday session from 1-4 (ish) at the Enfield venue on 26 January. For those who signed up via the Doodle poll, you can book your place here using the link below — it costs £60. Please note that bookings are nonrefundable (unless we cancel from our end, obviously)
[wp_cart_button name=”Training 26 January Enfield” price=”60.00″]
Training 18 August
As a follow-on from the recent open session, we are experimenting with more regular training for those who live at a distance from Southeast England and therefore can’t make monthly Enfield sessions. (If you are in or near London, the offer doesn’t apply.) The first of these dates is Sunday 18 August. It will be a small, more focused session in the Enfield gym aimed at those who have already attended an open session and/or who have watched the DVDs. If you want to be on the mailing list when we are scheduling future dates, drop us a message. Please note that bookings are nonrefundable.
[wp_cart_button name=”Training 18 August Enfield” price=”60.00″]
Flash sale extra dvds
Hi everyone, this is Trish. I am doing spring cleaning and have some extra hard copies that I want to get rid of ASAP. They are all priced at £12 with free delivery to UK only** and will ship within a week of your order. ( We have 2 US/Canada titles formatted in NTSC at the bottom of the post. These cost £16 each including postage to North America).
I’m listing the titles below. When a title runs out, I’ll take it down from this page and will refund any payments that I can’t fill. Anything that isn’t sold by 25 April will also be taken down just to keep my life simple. Email the website if you have any questions and one of us (probably me) will get back to you.
ETA: sold out! Thanks, everyone.
Open Session 18 May Chingford, UK
This session is the second year running an open class in Chingford. The first one was a huge success.
As before
As long-term followers of my work can attest, I don’t do open sessions very often. One reason for doing this session is to convey the most recent changes in my approach that have not been committed to video yet. I have a number of recent insights that will be useful to anyone looking to increase physical performance, whether for fighting or anything else. This is a rare opportunity for you.
The session costs £60 payable in advance. It will be held from 1-5 PM at Murray’s Martial Arts in Salisbury Road, Chingford E4 6TA. Directions to the venue can be found on their website. No equipment is needed.
To book a place, use the button below. We will fill the course on a first come, first served basis. In the unlikely event that we have to cancel, we will refund you in full. If you book and are unable to attend, we cannot refund you but in the event that we have a waiting list, we can transfer your place to someone else. On booking, we will send you an email confirmation within 48 hours. If you don’t hear from us within this time frame, please let us know.
18 May Open Session Chingford UK £60.00 nonrefundable
[wp_cart_button name=”Open Session May 2019 Chingford” price=”60.00″]
All video content available for download
Thanks to our customers writing in and asking for downloads of specific titles, the entire catalog is now online and can be downloaded.
I haven’t got round to updating every single page, but they are all there. If you want a video as a download, please type DIGITAL in the coupon box when you make your paypal order, or drop us an email when you order. I will then contact you with links.
Open session 9th June Chingford UK
This will be an informal session and is meant for people who have some familiarity with my work via DVDs/downloads and my Facebook page. I will be working to help you translate the rationale of my approach into your own applied practice. In that sense the workshop will be developed on-the-fly in response to what is happening in the room at the time. I will take individual problems that I see in the room and generalize from them to develop solutions for the group. We will be working on all phases of the fight from standup to ground, and all aspects of training. This will be an interactive session, and I will endeavour to answer as many questions as time permits.
As long-term followers of my work can attest, I don’t do open sessions very often. One reason for doing this session is to convey the most recent changes in my approach that have not been committed to video yet. I have a number of recent insights that will be useful to anyone looking to increase physical performance, whether for fighting or anything else. This is a rare opportunity for you.
The session costs £60 payable in advance. It will be held from 1-5 PM at Murray’s Martial Arts in Salisbury Road, Chingford E4 6TA. Directions to the venue can be found on their website. No equipment is needed.
To book a place, use the button below. We will fill the course on a first come, first served basis. In the unlikely event that we have to cancel, we will refund you in full. If you book and are unable to attend, we cannot refund you but in the event that we have a waiting list, we can transfer your place to someone else. On booking, we will send you an email confirmation within 48 hours. If you don’t hear from us within this time frame, please let us know.
[wp_cart_button name=”9 June 2018 Training” price=”60.00″]
Enfield Diaries 1 available for download
For the last three years we’ve been recording highlights of the Enfield sessions by phone. I’ve decided to release selected footage for download. The first batch of material is available here. It is live training video, rich in new material not seen elsewhere.