Going to the Ground DVD now available

I’ve been teaching about the entry-breakdown-takedown-finish for a great many years. However, I’ve released very little of it on video. For a number of years in my sessions at both Gloucester and Enfield we’ve been experimenting and trying to marry the standup with the ground, which share certain commonalities that may not be immediately obvious. Once you understand them you will have a deeper understanding of the whole fight.

Going to the Ground is the first in a new series that will highlight the rationale underlying the entry-breakdown-takedown-finish and its applications depending on the individual and the situational context. It was recorded with my Enfield group in live, unscripted teaching sessions.

This is a huge topic. In deciding how to begin covering it, I was faced with an interconnected web of concepts and technical applications. As with everything I do, this material holistically connects to the principles of standup and movement in general. That makes it difficult to capture in a single session. For this reason, I’m offering more than one view of the material, from more than one angle. I’m not teaching moves, I’m trying to get across certain concepts that are fundamental to all aspects of fighting. You will see the extension of my work on striking in this material, but in a new way. Everything links together coherently.

These are DVDs that will reward repeated viewing and careful study. They are heavily loaded with information and examples.

For more information or to order, see the DVD Shop.