Selected content as downloads

Hi everyone, Tricia here. I’ve been making selected DVD titles available as downloads for some weeks now. This is still a trial run, so you can’t get instant access, but it’s much faster than waiting for the post.

Here’s how to do it. Look at the list of what we have, then order the DVD that you want as usual. Put a note on your paypal order or send us an e-mail or Facebook message to let us know you want the download. I will send you a link to the MP4 files asap for you to view online and/or download. I will also refund you £2.50 because we save on postage.

If you want something that isn’t on the list, it’s worth contacting me to ask if I can do it. The shorter the DVD, the more likely I can help you out. I aim to have everything up eventually, but if people ask me it gives me a nudge in the right direction.

Right now we have:

Introduction to Training

Experimental Methods 1

Isometrics Theory

Isometrics Tips for Fighters


Going to the Ground and sister DVDs
